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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Out of the Pit of Lack and Limitation

"Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our minds." 
I can't remember just now who said that or where I read it, but it's been one of the most important messages that have come to me in my quest to move beyond my current circumstances. As I read this quote the first time a thought came right behind it: Not only do lack and limitation only exist when we make room for them in our minds, but they are not even worthy of us! I mean, what service do the thoughts of "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not meant to be free of financial burdens" bring us? NONE! And if something doesn't serve us, then what's the point of hanging on to it or listening to it at all? There is NO point! Of course, it's a lot easier said than done to let go of these conditioned thoughts. I get that. But the starting point is knowing that they just aren't worthy of you. You are above them. And hey, when I say they don't serve us, don't get me wrong in thinking that in a selfish way. Anything that truly serves us is doing so in harmony with ourselves and all of life. So thoughts like "I'm better than so and so" is just as un-serving as self-depreciating thoughts. What I've found is that any thought that doesn't fall inline with self-worth and overall harmony can go right into the file of "lack and limitation". Think about the thoughts you have on a daily basis and ask if these thoughts serve you or not. That's the best place to start. My next post will give you ways to start to change these thoughts. But for now, take note of the ones you carry with you. Write them down. You'll be amazed to see how many of them there are and how often they come up. I'll leave you with another great quote, this one by Jack Canfield, co-author of the "Chicken Soup" books;
"Your self-esteem is the thermostat that controls your wealth, health and happiness." Think about that.

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